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Building Basic Vocabulary Tool

Get Started

This quiz will help you assess current knowledge and determine which words to work on first. Based on the results, you’ll receive a printable resource packet that includes images, descriptions, and fun activities. You’ll also gain full access to online videos designed to empower learners to explore new terms independently.

Take the online quiz

How to use the Building Basic Vocabulary Tool

Your child has taken the assessment, and you’ve identified a vocabulary cluster of focus. Now it’s time for the learning to begin. Simply select the cluster from the “All Cluster” drop down menu and click the red “Search” button. A table will appear with videos and downloadable tools tailored to your child’s needs. Watch the videos below to learn step-by-step how to make the most of these learning resources.

How to Use the Vocabulary Learning Resources

How Do I Determine My Student’s Proficiency Level?

Please note: The materials contained in this database are copyrighted, and the availability of these materials does not constitute a transfer of any intellectual property rights. Marzano Resources encourages users to download and print these materials to improve their classrooms and schools, but the materials may not be sold or distributed without the written consent of Marzano Resources.